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Pratique japonaise de l’acupuncture par mesure électrique de points Ting et correction différentielle.


In 1951 Dr. Yoshio Nakatani presented his research and theory of RYODORAKU Acupuncture. Dr. Nakatani had found that there were a series of low electrical resistance points (or high electrical conductivity) running longitudinally up and down the body. When linked together these points closely matched the acupuncture meridians.


Ryodoraku   Ordinateur de contrôle des points testés


Dr. Nakatani was the first person to measure the electrical activity of acupuncture points and the first to formulate diagnostic and treatment criteria from these measurements. Point location and electrical stimulation has become the norm for most acupuncturists worldwide but the Ryodoraku detection, analysis and point selection for electrical stimulation is much less popular. This is unfortunate as Nakatani’s concepts provide an accurate pulse-organ diagnosis, accurate location of required treatment points and a very time efficient treatment regimen (generally only 7 seconds stimulation of each point is required. A classic acupuncture treatment lasting an average of 30 minutes would only take 2 – 3 minutes using Ryodoraku!).

The indications for Ryodoraku are identical to those for acupuncture, but the results are often faster. In particular acute pain and acute traumatic swelling e.g. sports injury will often respond during the initial treatment.

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