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A scientific approach to homeopathy?


Do you know that there is an organic method of choosing homeopathic remedies?
(Heath-Nutrition Profile = BNS24 - "Bilan Nutrition-Santé" in french !)

Homeopathy is a method that has proven its effectiveness for two centuries and still treats many complex cases around the world.



But in the 21 st century, practitioners are confronted with new problems, induced by the reckless taking of chemical remedies:

The difficulties encountered are of three types :

1- Defective cases … few useful symptoms (BNS is     
interesting in prevention: avoids additional explorations and many therapeutic essays),
2- Blurred cases … too many symptoms, complex pathologies, previous heavy treatments,
3- Resistant cases … after treatments which seemed nevertheless indicated,


The BNS24 is the synthesis of two methods of a biological approach to the similimum :
1/ The G. Henshaw direct testing of selected remedies in the serum of the patient (New York - since 1930)
2/ The P. Henry "biological materia medica", testing the variation of some seical parameters before and after taking remedies.


In these numerous cases the BNS24, a homeopathic biological examination, becomes indispensable … The difficulty consisted in proposing a simple examination (few parameters) but with sufficiently globalizing values ​​to highlight the main dysfunctions observed in the clinic.

To do this, we used reactivity tests, that is to say study of the serum reactions (clusters), in living conditions, to calibrated constraints. This technic is fundamentally different from the specific assays performed in dry chemistry and oriented towards nosological diagnosis.


Via a modern spectrophotometer automat of humid chemistry…



To be ideal, the BNS24 has to answers the five main questions of the practitioner:

1.“Where?” = the levels of the organic regulations

2.“How ?” = Protidogramme (inflammatory state)

3.“Why?” = Euglobulines (Exo stress)

4.“When?”= Coefficient of homeostasy : level of stability of the internal environment

5. “With what ?”= A sample group of biological and homeopathic remedies for the optimal effect of regulation.


Serum situation: quantitative and qualitative data

This method is based on a triple approach:
A – An assessment of the inflammatory or deficient serum situation
B – Level of oxydative stress
C – Homeopathic remedies tested in the patient’s serum that will guide the practitioner towards a particular constitution and / or a similimum remedy

The data are expressed in standard deviations, a method that makes possible objective comparison betwen values ​​of different nature.



A – Serum situation: quantitative data:


The protidogram offers us, through classical values, crucial informations:

Hyper Albumines … Cortisol secretion, under stress ?
Hypo Albumines … Lack of tissular water, dryness by hormonal dysfonction ? = organic suffering
Hyper Alpha 1+2 … Macrocytary inflammation
Hypo Alpha 1 … Anemic tendency
Hypo Alpha 2 …  Lack of energy
Hyper Beta + Gamma … Lymphocytary inflammation
Hypo Beta + Gamma … Allergic constitution


B – Euglobulins = modelling the «  exogenous  »

The level and type of oxydative constraints (hypo / hyper), modeled according to TCM:  



Euglobulines (biological tests at saturation) shows the importance of each of the stresses applied on the biological system :



C – The « serum reactivity test » : a scientific approach to homeopathy?

G.R. HENSHAW (MD), american homeopath, from 1930, had the idea to try in vitro, on the plasma of his patients, dilutions of selected remedies, specific stresses directly tested on the serum colloid …



The “Serum remedy tests”: a fonctionnal approach



In this functional approach, the interest is not on the molecules, but rather the reaction of the « sites” with a certain type of ion (or salts)

This is our first postulate: it exist receiving sites on every tissues (although only a few have been, to this day, given prominence : pump with sodium, calcium, insulin …). And our reagents have given prominence to the plasmatic activators of these sites.


A biological and computerized tool to quantify a systematic approach …

Henshaw notices that the more the flocculation in-vitro, the bigger the effect of the remedy in-vivo !

From there, he kept experimenting for thirty years and tested with surprising results, in a total general indifference (in spite of diverse publications), more than 2000 remedies and numerous physiological substances (amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins).

In the BNS, the higher the flocculation rate, the more the patient has symptoms of the remedy, the lower it is, the older or the more chronic.


BNS24 results :

Case shown =

Lady with algo-neuro-dystrophy… But all normal classical data!



Arsenicum album has the most important serical reaction, it corresponds to the mains symptomes of this lady … and had an astonishing therapeutic effect +++


History of a systematic approach … the dynamics of the phenomenon

BNS24 is a method which proposes a stable biological image (the BNS moves little in 6 months, except evolutionary pathology) in the absence of specific treatment). It remained to answer the question: “Is it serious dr. ?« . Numerous works tried to codify the dynamics of the events. « :

1/ Organic polarities:


To be continue …


English names of major homeopathic plants remedies ; 

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