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Quels noms moins connus …

In 1879, Dr. Henry Newell Guernsey MD of Philadelphia (a very fine homeopath) compared the maternal mortality in obstetrics between allopathy and homeopathy “pure and simple.” The death rate in childbed in 1878 was estimated to be one percent in Great Britain in the best of all conditions, while in New York City it was 1.2 percent and in Philadelphia 3.42 percent. Under homeopathic care, it was less than 0.1 percent.
For cases with puerperal fever, puerperal convulsions and post-partum hemorrhage, the death rate under allopathic care was respectively 30, 25 and 17 percent, while under homeopathy it was 2, 1.5 and 0.05 percent out of approximately 45,000 documented births from 80 homeopathic physicians.
Source: H. N. Guernsey. A Treatise—Death-rates in childbed. Homœopathic Times 1879; 6: 223-226.
Et les femmes bien sûr, dès le début :
Aussi des efforts sur le versant pharmacologique : Carrol DUNHARN
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