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An internal order for the materia medica ?


A revolution in the study of homeopathic materia medica (HMM)?

S. Hahnemann, in his second work: « Chronic diseases » had begun to classify diseases and remedies according to their « diatheses » (fragilities). Since then, this systemic approach has developed after the Second World War thanks to:
— P. Kollitsch (french MD) who grouped the 2000 remedies of the MMH into 25 families
— and H. Reckeweg (german MD) who explained the Hahnemannian diatheses in 6 phases of aggravation of diseases.


We have taken up these concepts and relied on:
– the logics of TCM to understand the mechanisms underlying the appearance of symptoms,
– the mechanisms of the construction of S. Freud’s subjectivity,
– functional biology examinations (G. Henshaw and P. Henry) for the study of tissue disorders and the choice of corrective remedies.

The internal order of the HMM, thus objectified, brings homeopathy closer to other validated physiological care methods. In addition, it becomes easy to understand and memorize the action of its remedies, as well as to appreciate the evolution of our patients who may require a logical prescription.



Once marginalized, homeopathy will thus regain a place of choice in logical and effective therapeutic solutions.
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Presentation of "constitutional / diathesis homeopathy", our method of study and use of the homeopathic Materia Medica !





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